Sunday, December 29, 2019
Poppin The Musical - 634 Words
Pippin is a Tony-Award winning musical that captures the eyes of anyone who has the chance to see the show. It is a show like no other with tricks, stunts, and an overall show that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The music is intriguing and mystifying. Stephen Schwartz wrote the music and lyrics while the book is by Roger O. Hirson. Bob Fosse who is a legacy in the musical theatre world was the original Broadway production director. Fosse also contributed to the libretto. The original Broadway cast had John Rubinstein as Pippin, Ben Vereen as leading player, Christopher Chadman as Leading Player, Eric Berry as Charles, Jill Clayburgh as Catherine, Leland Palmer as Fastrada, and Irene Ryan as Berthe until her stroke in 1973 that led to her death six weeks later in Santa Monica The original songs in the musical include Magic to Do, Corner of the Sky, Welcome Home, War is a Science, Glory, Simple Joys, No Time at All, With You, Spread a Little Sunshine, Morning Glow, On the Right Track, And There He Was, Kind of Woman, Extraordinary, Prayer for a Duck, Love Song, I Guess I’ll Miss the Man, and Finale. These are the songs Schwartz designed to be catchy, different, and exciting. Pippin is the story of the French Prince Pippin, son of Charlemagne. The show begins with the Leading Player and the other players inviting the audience to watch their â€Å"Magic†as they help to tell the story. Next they introduce Pippin as a young man just out of a university. He tells us how he isShow MoreRelatedFeminism Is One Of The Most Important Social Themes1204 Words  | 5 Pages As much as I enjoy musicals, most songs are about men, either women singing about men and how they desire a man or haw men have done them wrong, or men singing them. Where are, the songs belted out by the ladies for the ladies? That’s where feminism comes into play. Feminism is one of the most important social themes. Feminism is a range of social movements, and political movements that share a common goal, to achieve, establish, and define personal, economic, political, and social rights for womenRead MoreIs Broadway Dying? Essay1672 Words  | 7 Pagesmerchandise. It also doesn’t include millions of dollars in tourism revenue that was generated by the industry. The On Broadway website classifies shows into three different general categories. These categories are play, musical and musical revue. Of these three, â€Å"the Broadway musical is commonly considered one of the few truly American art forms†(Simonoff). If Broadway were dying, would Disney and other entertainment companies become active as investors and theater producers? Let’s look atRead MoreComputerized Technology Influenced The Stage And Lighting Design Of Theatre1879 Words  | 8 PagesQuestion: To what extent has the advancement of computerized technology influenced the stage and lighting design of theatre Introduction: Theatre has come a long way from when it first started with regard to the set designs of the plays and musicals. When the sets were first designed the props would either stay on the stage as a permanent structure the whole time or you needed to have the stage crew come out and move the props and scenery. Now with the advancement of technology you can programRead MoreAn Analysis Of Andrew Lloyd Webber s An Broadway Producer That Is A Part Of A Publicly Traded Company928 Words  | 4 Pagesother producers. For example, the next Broadway musical being produced by James L. Nederlander, Get on Your Feet, is being produced in partnership with Estefan Enterprises Inc. and the upcoming School of Rock is a joint venture between the Nederlander Organization, the Shubert Organization, and Really Useful Group among others ( There has only been one instance where DTP has produced a Broadway musical with a partner, and that was Mary Poppins which was produced with Cameron McInto sh becauseRead MoreWalt Disney : The Man Behind These Characters, And The Creation Of One Of The World1039 Words  | 5 PagesIN THE 1940’S A NEW STUDIO WAS BUILT AND SUCH DISNEY ANIMATED CLASSICS AS BAMBI, PINOCCHIO, FANTASIA, AND DUMBO WERE RELEASED. IN THE 1950’S LIVE ACTION FILMS SUCH AS TREASURE ISLAND WERE RELEASED. IN 1964, A MUSICAL CALLED MARY POPPINS WAS RELEASED. IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT MARY POPPINS IS WALT’S MASTERPIECE AND IT WAS HIS LAST MAJOR SUCCESS THAT HE PRODUCED HIMSELF. ACCORDING TO TIME PEOPLE, WALT DISNEY RECEIVED MORE ACADEMY AWARDS AND NOMINATIONS THAN ANY OTHER PERSON IN HISTORY. HE WON 22 ACADEMYRead More1960s Cinema And Its Impact On Cinema1236 Words  | 5 Pagesreflected the good and the bad of the decade. 1960s cinema influenced many of the films we have today. 1960s cinema brought attention to movie musicals, which were movies that had many song and dance numbers along with dialogue and blocking. Three of the biggest hits of the decade were movie musicals. Some of the decade’s biggest hits, including the movie musicals, are still popular today. In the 1960s, there were many popular movies, both in theaters and on television, which were produced with moneyRead MoreJulie Andrews2334 Words  | 10 Pagesperformance, September 30, 1954. Her name was put in lights above the title. Later came the musicals My Fair Lady (1956), and Camelot (1960). It was during a performance of Camelot that Walt Disney came to see her perform, shortly after acquiring the rights to make a movie out of the popular books on Mary Poppins. After hearing Julie whistle during a song, he was sold on the idea of her becoming Mary Poppins. He even offered employment to her new husband, Tony Walton as a costume designer. AfterRead MoreMy Own Definition Of Art1124 Words  | 5 PagesPeople have appreciated numerous forms of art over many decades and continue to analyze what art is and how the aesthetics of it affect viewers. Audiences have gathered to â€Å"ooh†and â€Å"ahh†at art galleries, musicals, play and ballet performances, and concerts. In fact people even travel long distances to view world-renowned tourist sites, such as the Sistine Chapel. There are billions of creations and events that are considered art whether that art is valued by a large audience or the artist aloneRead MoreControversies with the Walt Dinsey Company1471 Words  | 6 Pagesmost famous trademarks. In October of 1949, Disney Music was created and six years later on July 17th of 1955, the first Disney Park, Disneyland in Anaheim California, opened its doors. Following this, television show Mickey Mouse Club, and Mary Poppins premiered. Sixteen years later, Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida opened. At this point, both Walt and Roy O. Disney had passed, and the company became known as â€Å"The Walt Disney Company†. By the 1980’s, business was booming and globalizationRead More Local School Case Study932 Words  | 4 Pagesfirst steps are always large and be worked down to common sized lines over time. They have developed a song and movement based activity to work on helping kids remember basic math and spelling of letters. Physical education, playground, some of the musical activities are all used to work on coordination and gross motor skills. Many clever songs are sung at various points to teach the children basic education concepts. There are also attention grabbing phrases and gestures to gain focus of the class
Saturday, December 21, 2019
The Advocacy Groups That Stand For Pro Choice - 1547 Words
Over several centuries and in different cultures, there is a rich history of women helping each other to abort. Until the late 1800s, women healers in Western Europe and the U.S. provided abortions and trained other women to do so, without legal prohibitions. There were many different ways they attempted to do this procedure; such as a pennyroyal tea, which according to Thorpe, is toxic at just five grams. They believed that jumping and kicking yourself in the buttocks would also make a women have a miscarriage. Sitting over a pot of hot onions, and using camel saliva, ants, and deer hair was also a popular way to have an abortion back then. In today’s society abortion has become a major social issue that will never be resolved. It is a topic that some people avoid in our society. They would rather pretend it does not excite than recognize it as part in our society. The two advocacy groups that stand firm in their moral beliefs are conservatives who stand for pro-life and libe rals who stand for pro-choice. They do not take this issue lightly, there has been countless debates about whether it is murder or not. However, it always ends the same way with now solution. There are four major points to look at when discussing the issue of abortion, legal precedence, human rights, religion and when life beings. It is important to look at what functions do these point play in society and what conflicts it has in society. During the past 40 years, federal courts, specifically theShow MoreRelatedAarp1008 Words  | 5 PagesAustin Braham The American Association of Retired Persons is a powerful special interest group that protects the interests of retirees across the US by lobbying politicians to pass legislation in the organization’s favor. Inside you will find detailed information outlining AARP’s mission, purpose, and scope. Austin Braham The American Association of Retired Persons is a powerful special interest group that protects the interests of retirees across the US by lobbying politicians to pass legislationRead MorePmi, Or Project Management, The World s Biggest Non Profit Membership Association For Profession987 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is PMI? The PMI, or Project Management Institute, the world’s biggest non-profit membership association for profession of project management. PMI is actively engaged in advocacy for the profession, setting professional standards, conducting research and providing access to a wealth of information and resources. PMI also promotes career and professional and offers certification, networking and community involvement opportunities. For more than 46 years, it has advanced the careers of practitionersRead MoreThe Legalization Of Drug Legalization1310 Words  | 6 PagesAmericans. Leaders in drug prevention, education, treatment, and law enforcement are against it, as are many political leaders. However, pro-drug advocacy groups, who support the use of drugs, are making headlines. They are influencing legislation and having a significant impact on the national policy debate in the United States. Although, pro-advocacy groups claim decriminalization of drugs will lower incarceration ra tes and boost the economy, drugs must stay illegal in America, if not, more peopleRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legalized?1394 Words  | 6 Pagescountless marches, protests, and debates. Both sides display zealous passion for their belief. Since the well-known Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade, declaring that women can constitutionally decide for themselves whether or not to have an abortion, Pro-life activists across the country have have dedicated their lives to overturning this amendment (Roston 2008). Beginning in the late 1800s, as birth control and contraceptives gained popularity, Americans became more dependant on these means of â€Å"protectionRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics And Values1086 Words  | 5 Pagesand treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations†(Code of Ethics Overview ). In nursing there are nine code of ethics. While each and every one of them are extremely important, I will onl y talk about a few of them. According to the American Nurses Association (ANA), the second code of ethic states that the â€Å"nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, or community. It is crucial to careRead More The Effects of Interest Groups on Politics Essay1407 Words  | 6 Pagesof interest groups on the American legislature nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;We elect politicians on the basis on the issues by which they stand, and these issues are either held up or weakened by the numerous interest groups that exist today. Interest groups target both major and minor issues, using all of their resources to sponsor or overpower the groups’ concern. Interest groups are composed of a limited range of the body of voters who have a great stake in the issues their group support. TheyRead MoreThe Effects of Interest Groups on Politics1436 Words  | 6 PagesInfluence of interest groups on the American legislature We elect politicians on the basis on the issues by which they stand, and these issues are either held up or weakened by the numerous interest groups that exist today. Interest groups target both major and minor issues, using all of their resources to sponsor or overpower the groups concern. Interest groups are composed of a limited range of the body of voters who have a great stake in the issues their group support. They make evidentRead MoreThe Right And Choice Of Abortion1640 Words  | 7 PagesYonathan D Nieto Villegas Mr. Fons English 2B May 19, 2017 The Right to Life or Choice The decision to end the life of someone without their own consent has caused great disruption among Americans. Before the civil rights movement, Americans idealized the idea that abortion was ultimately prohibited due to the fact that religion predominated the beliefs of the people. Now in a rapid changing-liberal society, people are questioning if prohibiting a woman from aborting is denying her inalienable rightRead MoreShould Abortion Be Legal?1623 Words  | 7 Pagesthey present is the fact that, The first cell of a new and unique human life begins existence at the moment of conception (fertilization) when one living sperm from the father joins with one living ovum from the mother. Overall, the central idea of pro-life is that fact that life begins at the site of conception. In addition to the moral idea that abortion is inhuman, many religions have the perception of abortion as an abomination that causes spiritual death. The religions base their opinion on theRead MorePro Choice Vs. Pro Life : A False Dichotomy2314 Words  | 10 PagesBartolome English 2 Carlos Mujal May 13, 2016 Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life: A False Dichotomy One of the most controversial and emotionally charged topics in the United States still being debated on is abortion. Despite Roe v Wade passing the law for a woman’s right to attain an abortion, there is still much debate surrounding the topic. Questions like, â€Å"When does Life begin?†, â€Å"Is the mother’s life considered as well?†, and most importantly, â€Å"Are you pro-choice or pro-life?†come up consistently before and
Friday, December 13, 2019
A Thousand Splendid Suns Relationships Free Essays
Amidst the escalating conflicts of the Middle East, there are many relationships that Khaled Hosseini illustrates throughout the book. One of the main relationships that greatly affects Mariam’s life is her double sided relationship with her father, Jalil. At a young age, Mariam is recognized as an illegitimate child of Nana and Jalil. We will write a custom essay sample on A Thousand Splendid Suns: Relationships or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Nor was she old enough to appreciate the injustice, to see that it is the creators of the harami who are culpable, not the harami, whose only sin is being born. †(pg. ) This emphasizes how from the very beginning, Mariam was not truly wanted by either her mother or father. Jalil loved Mariam yet only to a certain extent; he did not legitimately consider her as his daughter due to modern society’s outlook on the situation. Throughout Mariam’s childhood, she is filled with anticipation for acceptance. While Nana openly displays her strong hatred for Jalil, Mariam feels that he is the only person that loved her and accepted her. One day, she asks Jalil to bring her to his cinema to watch the film Pinocchio with her other brothers and sisters, he reluctantly accepts. The following day, Mariam waits for Jalil to take her into town. When his lack of presence appears clear to Mariam, she realizes that Jalil has no intention of developing a relationship outside of the Kolba. She begins to question their entire relationship and if all he has said to her has been lies. Hosseini vilifies Jalil’s character as Mariam ultimately discovers the truth of the situation and the idealized world that she once lived in is gone. This tragic novel is a great depiction of expectations and rejections. How to cite A Thousand Splendid Suns: Relationships, Papers
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